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We handle DWIs at all price points and have handled more DWIs in St. Louis, St. Charles, JeffCo, Lincoln County, and Franklin than 99% of all law firms or attorneys in the area. DidYouBlow.com (DwiStL.com) is very affordable, but we normally do not do payment plans.

First time offense in a municipality (non-state court), took breathalyzer at officer's request and defendant is now beyond 15 day temporary driving permit expiration time to request a hearing, no accident - Starting at $995

First time offense, took breathalyzer at officer's request and defendant is still within the 15 day temporary driving permit expiration, wishes to pursue an administrative hearing, no accident - Starting at $1495

Second time offense, took breathalyzer at officer's request and defendant is now beyond 15 day temporary driving permit expiration, no accident - Starting at $1495

Second time offense, took breathalyzer at officer's request and defendant is within the 15 day temporary driving permit expiration and defendant wishes to pursue an administrative hearing, no accident Starting at $1995

First offense, refused breathalyzer and defendant is within the 30 day period to contest the refusal revocation - Starting at $1995 (Plus court filing fees for the refusal contestation)

First offense, refused breathalyzer and defendant is beyond the 30 day period to contest the refusal revocation - Starting at $1495

You may have seen our lead attorney, Mike Carter, on his TV show (Justice and Journalism w/ Judge Mike Carter) on ABC and CBS for the past 6 years interviewing the area’s prosecutors, judges, senators, Missouri’s governor, Attorney General, other DWI attorneys, and more. Take a look at the videos here or see a few YouTubes below. We look forward to talking with YOU.

Our Lead Attorney Mike Carter is deeply immersed in Missouri's legal community and Missouri's community in general. Guests on his weekly TV show include State Prosecutors, Circuit Judges, State Attorneys General, State Governors, State Treasurers, State Senators, City Mayors, Charities, Business Owners, Restaurateurs, Philanthropists, Sports Figures, and many more. No other attorney you call has this familiarity. DwiStL.com is the only legal resource you can or should trust if you have a DWI issue. Mike knows THE attorney for your case -- submit your matter right now here.

Judge Mike Carter Talks with Mike Kehoe, Lt. Governor

Justice and Journalism with Judge Mike Carter joined by Missouri Lt. Governor, Mike Kehoe. Airs on KTVI, Fox 2 and KDNL ABC Channel 30. Watch now to learn more about Lt Governor Kehoe's background in the auto industry and what he proposes for the future

Nothing sets your nerves into overdrive quite the way the sound of sirens and a glimpse of flashing lights in the rearview mirror can. It doesn’t matter what time of day or how closely you’re following the rules of the road, you know whoever is operating those lights has an important job to do, and you need to react quickly and correctly by getting out of their way, or worse, pulling over to find out what you did wrong. Even knowing where and how to pull over can be overwhelming, and by the time the officer gets to the window of your vehicle you’ve run through all sorts of scenarios in your mind: “was I driving too fast? Did I forget to signal when I switched lanes? Do I have a taillight out? Did I pull over fast enough?” But the very last thing you wanted to hear from the officer’s mouth, because everything will be downhill from there, is: “have you had anything to drink tonight?”

Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (or SFSTs) are the tests that officers give to drivers on the side of the road when they are trying to determine if you are too drunk to drive, and they are highly skewed for failure. If you’re a little overweight, a little older, have some medical conditions, or are just too nervous to listen to instructions properly, you’re probably going to end up in handcuffs. Ask our lead attorney at DWISTL.com, he knows from experience. He had his own DWI arrest in 2009 that was proven under the law to be skewed and wrongful when a jury found him innocent. That’s why, despite having a number of other important roles, he’s still out here leading a team of attorneys whose sole purpose is to fight DWIs.


100 Chesterfield Business Pkwy
Chesterfield, MO 63005

12747 Olive Blvd, Suite 300
St. Louis MO 63141

7733 Forsyth Blvd., Ste. 1100
St. Louis, MO 63105

100 South 4th Street Suite 550
St. Louis MISSOURI 63102

303 N Stadium, Suite 200
Columbia MO 65203

401 N Michigan Ave Suite 1200
Chicago IL 60611

508 Paul Dr.
Florissant MO 63031

435 Nichols Rd., Suite 200
Kansas City Missouri, 64112

200 NE Missouri Rd., Suite 200
Lee's Summit, MO 64086

Two CityPlace Drive, 2nd Floor
St Louis, MO 63141

400 Chesterfield Center #400
Chesterfield, MO 63017

500 Boone's Lick Rd.
St. Charles, MO 63301

333 Mid Rivers Mall Drive
St. Peters MO 63376

1001 Craig Rd. Ste 260
St. Louis, MO 63146

111 Westport Plaza Drive Suite 600
St. Louis, MO 63146

3636 So. Geyer Road, Suite 100
St. Louis, MO 63127

7777 Bonhomme Avenue, Suite 1800
Clayton MO, 63105

4625 Lindell Blvd. 2nd Floor
St. Louis, MO 63108

6230 Mexico Rd.
St. Peters, MO 63376

314-895-4040 St. Charles: 636-916-4040
St. Louis: 314-895-4040
Columbia: 573-340-2555
Kansas City:816-386-6060

The choice of an attorney is an important one and should not be based solely upon advertisements. This web site is designed for general information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.